Midnight Sun Daily

Section: Frontpage

Page 1

 Welcome to the The Midnight Sun Daily.
 Use read next, read page  and read previous to read this paper.
 This edition was created on Thu Oct 19 09:30:44 2006
 In this edition you will find the following sections:
    Section                         Pages    
    Frontpage                       1
    Commercial announcements        2
    Who the heck is                 3 to  9
    (Un)Happy couples              10

Midnight Sun Daily

Section: Commercial announcements

Page 2

          C O M R A D E S - I N - A R M S   N E E D E D

 Our beloved city of Minbara is being besieged by the evil wizard
 Vlaurkir's horde. In order to diminish their numbers and gain much
 needed arms, I will reward you with gold for equipment taken from
 slain Vlaurkans. There is big money to be earned - our best seller,
 the heroic and noble Easy, has so far made 29565888 coins!
 So please, come to Minbara and help us in our dire time of need!

           / Brute, Minbarian Shopkeeper

                  M I D N I G H T   S U N   H U N T S

The next hunt is the Halloween Player Hunt scheduled for Oct 31 and
thus will commence on Mon Oct 30 2006.  That's about 3 boots away.

Midnight Sun Daily

Section: Who the heck is

Page 3

On Wed Oct 18 23:44:10 2006 I had an interview with the famous
Vigilante Mighty Packleader of the Lycanthropes
Below is a literal representation of that conversation.

Shorleck: Tell something about yourself outside MS, what nationality
          are you, what do you do in your spare time from ms anything
          you want to share with us ?
Vigilante: What?  Oh I'm just here for the exploration points.  Thanks

Shorleck: What is your favorite place within the realms of MS ?
Vigilante: You come at me with "what place do you like"?  This is your
           idea of a great interview?

Shorleck: What place do you hardly ever go to and why not ?
Vigilante: Well I don't ever come here with all your lame questions,

Midnight Sun Daily

Section: Who the heck is

Page 4

           that's for sure.

Shorleck: From all the quests you did, which one did you enjoy the
          most, what made it special ?
Vigilante: Seriously man, this is your best material?  Allow me to
           rephrase for you: Who is the sexiest foe you've ever
           fought?  Wow, that's a great question there.  I mean the
           obvious ones like Elyssa are pretty hat, since she's got
           that sexy-dangerous thing going, but I have to tell you I
           think she bats for the other side, if you know what I mean.
           For my money, the hottest out there has got to be Melissa.
           I mean, not only does she have a killer bod, but she
           dresses the part with that miniskirt getup, so she knows
           she's got it going on.  And on top of all that, she has
           that staff fetish too.  Yeah, I definitely wouldn't mind
           getting caught in some lag with her.

Midnight Sun Daily

Section: Who the heck is

Page 5

Shorleck: What is your favourite weapon and why ?
Vigilante: Good Gaia, you really are going to keep going with these
           inane questions, aren't you?  Yeah ok, right about now I'd
           favor anything pointy I could use to gouge out your idiot
           eyeballs.  How's that for an answer?

Shorleck: Which monster is your biggest enemy ?
Vigilante: Monster?  First of all, the term they prefer is
           "player-control challenged". But hell, I've fought em all
           and there's no grudges out there.  I mean, we're all
           professionals just trying to get a job done.  We all
           appreciate each other's skills and keep it strictly
           business on the combat field. I gotta say though, if you're
           looking for some dirt, I think Conan is on the roids.  If
           you ever tried using that craptastic staff he has you know

Midnight Sun Daily

Section: Who the heck is

Page 6

           there's no way to hit like that with that pathetic excuse
           for a tree branch. The Fair Competition Committee really
           needs to take a little sample out of his chamber pot for
           testing, I'm telling you.

Shorleck: What goals have you set for yourself here in MS, are you
          here for chatting or you want to play or striving for
          wizhood ?
Vigilante: Goals?  Wizhood?  Are you for real?  It's like you just
           took your interview materials out of the "what did you do
           over summer break" manual.  Nobody ever comes up here to
           talk to you so you really should have been able to come up
           with some decent questions by now.  Ok, just to have
           something to say, I'll pretend you asked me "how drunk are
           you usually" and the answer to that is drunk enough to
           stumble into this waste of time.

Midnight Sun Daily

Section: Who the heck is

Page 7

Shorleck: Is there anything else you would like to add ?
Vigilante: Ok, so since you're not going to ask me anything
           interesting, I've got a story for you.  So I'm in the break
           room between boots with Kain.  He's grabbing a cup of
           coffee and I ask him, "So what's this secret weakness of
           yours anyway?" He laughs and says, "That's just a fake.  I
           got mad ninja skills!"  and he starts karate chopping and
           stuff all over the place.  He's just spinning off a
           lousy-looking kick when in walks Kaz and the foot catches
           him right in the side of the head.  Kain's like "oops sorry
           man" but you can tell Kaz is steaming.  What's worse is
           he's got that sword of his, and you know how aggressive
           that thing makes him.  So I step between them and tell Kaz,
           "Chill, it was just an accident" but he pushes me down like
           I'm nothing and takes a step towards Kain.  That's when I

Midnight Sun Daily

Section: Who the heck is

Page 8

           realize this is getting serious and I start thinking
           there's not much I can do about this. I mean Kaz is like 7
           feet tall and I never fight the guy without 80 or so of my
           best leather-winged friends to help, if you know what I
           mean, and we're between boots so I'm basically useless
           without the moon around for forming up.  Anyway, Kaz steps
           forward and draws that huge slicer of his and Kain has
           backed all the way up to the wall by now.  Kaz keeps coming
           and says, "You will learn proper repesct for me," and
           Kain's standing there shaking cause he left his sword back
           in the forest like usual so all he's got to fight back with
           is his "ninja skills" that got him into this mess in the
           first place.  Kaz gets to him, raises that 4-foot skewer
           and you can tell Kain's thinking, "This is it, but I'm
           gonna go down fighting," when suddenly Kaz burst out
           laughing.  He says, "I really had you guys going huh? 

Midnight Sun Daily

Section: Who the heck is

Page 9

           Hell, Kain couldn't kick his way past one of those little
           gnome pukes he hangs out with, let alone hurt me.  You
           really thought I was gonna do you right here?  Hell!" And
           he walks out laughing to himself the whole time.  I tell
           you, that Kaz is a real character.  I mean, Joe Pesci
           himself couldn't have pulled it off better.  A real
           practical joker, great guy at parties.

Here ended our conversation. I wish to thank Vigilante
for his cooperation and wish him a lot of happy hunting.
  -- Shorleck --

Midnight Sun Daily

Section: (Un)Happy couples

Page 10

On Wed Oct 18 22:21 Stilgar married Iseulde. 
The witness to this marriage was Goober.